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Drug Enforcement Series Part 3: Tackling Pharmaceutical Drug Diversion Directly

Drug Enforcement Series Part 3: Tackling Pharmaceutical Drug Diversion Directly

As part of our Drug Enforcement Series. Lorri Hall, President of DETECT RX CONSULTING INC. was joined by Bluesight Director of Clinical Strategy, Lauren Forni, for a session that provided an actionable discussion on drug diversion prevention and investigations. The stakes are high, with professionals’ reputations on the line and risks of infectious outbreaks, patient harm, and even death.

While drug diversion policies are essential, a holistic approach needs to be taken when building an effective drug diversion monitoring program. An effective drug diversion strategy requires an intricate prevention, detection, and response mesh. The role of physical security measures, like cameras and alarms, cannot be understated. Lorri will delve deep into the critical aspects of integrating each security measure for a comprehensive drug diversion countermeasure.

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