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RFID Medication Management

KitCheck simplifies kit and tray management for over 900 hospitals and is the most trusted RFID medication tracking solution in the market. As a full-workflow solution, KitCheck medication management software prevents waste, stockouts, and inaccuracies to ensure patient safety and decrease unnecessary spend. KitCheck maximizes staff productivity with significantly faster restocking, recall mitigation, and shortage management across central pharmacy, OR, and centralized distribution.

Complexities of Medication Management for High Cost Drugs


Manual processes and barcode-only solutions are time consuming and prone to inaccuracies


Provider noncompliance with anesthesia workstation dispenses can lead to unreliable medication counts


Expired inventory contributes to waste and overspending


Mitigating the inevitable shortages and recalls are urgent yet time-consuming tasks

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A Unique Solution to These Problems: RFID Tracking

Stock Accurately and Efficiently

KitCheck RFID medication management ensures 100% accuracy every time with a process that is 10x faster than manual alternatives. Pharmacy staff can scan each used kit or tray in just seconds using the RFID scanning box, and immediately identify missing items, extra items, as well as expired and soon-to-be expired inventory. Simply restock according to the real-time summary, and scan again to confirm the replenished kit or tray is error-free. This simple, automated workflow maximizes the productivity of technicians and pharmacists, reduces overtime, and improves staff satisfaction.

Simplify OR Restocking

Improve your OR restocking workflows, whether your hospital uses anesthesia workstations or non-automated anesthesia cabinets. Restock trays in the central pharmacy with our signature RFID scanning box or leverage the Mobile Pharmacy cart for a space-saving process that enables staff to restock trays near the ORs and procedural rooms. Both medication delivery workflows ensure the same accuracy and efficiency that KitCheck provides for other types of kits and trays, while preventing disruptive, burdensome stock-outs that frustrate providers and impact patient care.

Reduce Waste and Optimize Inventory

Decrease unnecessary spend by reducing expirations and perfecting PAR levels. Hospitals can use KitCheck to track medication expirations and allocate inventory to ensure each unit is consumed prior to expiration, ultimately reducing waste by up to 92%. To optimize inventory KitCheck’s real-time, location-specific analytics reveal the required inventory levels required for each item in each kit or tray based on consumption trends, resulting in lower purchase quantities and hard-dollar savings.

Mitigate Recalls and Shortages

Instantly pinpoint the location of unit-level inventory by lot number – down to a specific crash cart or anesthesia workstation. For recalls, this helps prevent patient safety risks and remove affected lots 33x faster than manually checking each kit and tray. KitCheck also provides recall alerts and flags the recalled inventory in your database. For shortages, identify specific products site-wide to efficiently reallocate inventory as needed, make appropriate substitutions, and set temporary PAR levels to manage limited inventory.

Track Critical Medications Anywhere

KitCheck can now track your inventory outside of kits and trays, too. KitCheck Anywhere uses advanced RFID technology to monitor your health system’s most critical inventory across your existing refrigerators, shelves, and cabinets to see real-time stock-levels, expirations, and inventory movement. From central pharmacy and operating rooms to clinics and infusion centers, the KitCheck Anywhere RFID bins are flexible to any setting or drug type to track your high cost, refrigerated, or fast moving drugs.

Stock Accurately and Efficiently

KitCheck RFID medication management ensures 100% accuracy every time with a process that is 10x faster than manual alternatives. Pharmacy staff can scan each used kit or tray in just seconds using the RFID scanning box, and immediately identify missing items, extra items, as well as expired and soon-to-be expired inventory. Simply restock according to the real-time summary, and scan again to confirm the replenished kit or tray is error-free. This simple, automated workflow maximizes the productivity of technicians and pharmacists, reduces overtime, and improves staff satisfaction.

Simplify OR Restocking

Improve your OR restocking workflows, whether your hospital uses anesthesia workstations or non-automated anesthesia cabinets. Restock trays in the central pharmacy with our signature RFID scanning box or leverage the Mobile Pharmacy cart for a space-saving process that enables staff to restock trays near the ORs and procedural rooms. Both medication delivery workflows ensure the same accuracy and efficiency that KitCheck provides for other types of kits and trays, while preventing disruptive, burdensome stock-outs that frustrate providers and impact patient care.

Reduce Waste and Optimize Inventory

Decrease unnecessary spend by reducing expirations and perfecting PAR levels. Hospitals can use KitCheck to track medication expirations and allocate inventory to ensure each unit is consumed prior to expiration, ultimately reducing waste by up to 92%. To optimize inventory KitCheck’s real-time, location-specific analytics reveal the required inventory levels required for each item in each kit or tray based on consumption trends, resulting in lower purchase quantities and hard-dollar savings.

Mitigate Recalls and Shortages

Instantly pinpoint the location of unit-level inventory by lot number – down to a specific crash cart or anesthesia workstation. For recalls, this helps prevent patient safety risks and remove affected lots 33x faster than manually checking each kit and tray. KitCheck also provides recall alerts and flags the recalled inventory in your database. For shortages, identify specific products site-wide to efficiently reallocate inventory as needed, make appropriate substitutions, and set temporary PAR levels to manage limited inventory.

Track Critical Medications Anywhere

KitCheck can now track your inventory outside of kits and trays, too. KitCheck Anywhere uses advanced RFID technology to monitor your health system’s most critical inventory across your existing refrigerators, shelves, and cabinets to see real-time stock-levels, expirations, and inventory movement. From central pharmacy and operating rooms to clinics and infusion centers, the KitCheck Anywhere RFID bins are flexible to any setting or drug type to track your high cost, refrigerated, or fast moving drugs.

accurate restocking in kits and trays

faster than manual restocking

pre-tagged medications available


Our Lady of the Lake Medical Center

In recent years, the pharmacy team at Our Lady of the Lake Regional Medical Center identified a recurring challenge with operating room inventory: after medications were stocked in the anesthesia workstations (AWS), visibility of that inventory diminished.

By implementing RFID technology into OR inventory management in 2023, they were able to resolve this challenge, save 17 hours of staff time every week, reduce stockouts, increase patient safety, enhance regulatory readiness, and improve employee satisfaction.

Medication Management Buyer’s Guide

KitCheck: RFID Medication Management

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KitCheck® Demo

KitCheck: RFID Medication Management

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KitCheck™ Brochure

KitCheck: RFID Medication Management

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What Our Customers Have to Say

Adrian Gonzales, PharmD, Director of Central Pharmacy Services

Want to learn more about KitCheck?

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