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Tag Association Batch — Create

Tag Association Batch — Create

This endpoint creates a new tag association batch and all the items/tags specified as part of that batch.



POST {data-service}/v3/tag_association_batches

The URL will have a .json, .csv, or .xml filename extension appended to it.  This will specify the content-type of the API response.  If the filename extension is omitted from the URL, .json will be assumed.Resource


Api-Key: 0123456789ABCDEF
Content-Type: application/json

NOTE: An actual body would have either the (tag-issuer-id and tag-quantity) or (epc-list), but not both.


Body Fields



Field Data Type Description
item_description object Required.  Defines the attributes of the items in the batch being tagged.
formulary_search object Required.  The key and value supplied within this section will be used to search the user’s “current hospital” formulary on the field specified.  The search method is looking for an “exact match” including special characters and capitalization.

Formulary Search: Matching Behavior

  • If there are zero exact matches, this entire request will fail and no tag or items will get created.
  • If there is exactly one match, that formulary item will be used.
  • If there is more than one match, the items are sorted alphabetically by item name and the last item is used. This situation is undesirable and should be unreachable with a properly configured formulary.
field const Required.  Works in conjunction with the value parameter.  The const you set here is the name of the field in the formulary that you’re going to use for searching.  In the parlance of key-value pairs, this would be the key.

The const ndc_upc_hri_full is the only supported token at this time.

value string Required.  Works in conjunction with the field parameter.  The string you set here is the value that you’re searching for in the formulary, within the field that was already specified.  In the parlance of key-value pairs, this would be the value.

ndc_upc_hri_full — The product’s NDC, HRI, or UPC. Hyphens must be included here because the search is for an exact match.

lot string Required.  Null values ok.  See note below about lot number and expiration date validation.
compound_date date Required.  Null values ok.
expiration_date object Required.  Null value prohibited for this object (allowed on child fields).  See note below about lot number and expiration date validation.
manufacturer date Required.  Null values ok.  Specify as YYYY-MM-DD, include leading zeros.
refrigeration date Required.  Null values ok.  Specify as YYYY-MM-DD, include leading zeros.
multi_dose_open date Required.  Null values ok.  Specify as YYYY-MM-DD, include leading zeros.
batch_information object Required.  Defines attributes about the tags and batch handling.
third_party_batch_id string Required.  Null values ok.  If the tagger has an batch identifier in another system, such as an ERP or labeling system, they can enter it here and it can later be surfed in Kit Check reports.
tag_restricted boolean Required, true or false, not null.
epc_generation_method const Required.  Allowed values: kc, tagger.  Consult with your Kit Check representative before selecting a method.  Once you select a method, you should never change it; otherwise, you risk an EPC collision.

kc – This specifies that Kit Check will be inventing the EPCs for this batch of items being tagged.  Kit Check will increment from the last serial number used, within the context of the appropriate tag issuer ID.  For this method, the quantity field is required, and the epc_list field must be null.

tagger – This specifies that the tagging party (the caller of this API, typically) is inventing their own EPCs for this batch of items being created. For this method, the quantity field must be null, and the epc_list field is required.

tag_quantity int (required, if “kc” method) The number of EPCs/tags and items that will be created.  If you are creating an additional tag for batch control purposes or other record keeping, please include that tag in this quantity.

If using quantities higher than 500 in a single call, please consult with your Kit Check representative first.

tag_list array [string] (required, if “tagger” method) The list of EPCs and TIDs of the tag that make up this batch.

TID list accepts 24 hex characters

If using quantities higher than 500 in a single call, please consult with your Kit Check representative first.

tag_type_id int Required, null prohibited. The tag type ID. This is an ID defined by Kit Check, please consult with your Kit Check representative to get this value.

Body Example

    "item_description": {
        "formulary_search": {
            "field": "ndc_upc_hri_full",
            "value": "0000-0000-00"
        "lot": "20150812AA",
        "compound_date": "2000-01-01",
        "expiration_date": {
            "manufacturer": "2099-12-31",
            "refrigeration": null,
            "multi_dose_beyond_use": null
    "batch_information": {
        "third_party_batch_id": "ABC123",
        "tag_restricted": false,
        "epc_generation_method": "kc",
        "tag_quantity": 9999,
        "tag_list":[{ "epc": "800100000000000000000000", "tid": "a90a796b5a43688341318743"}, { "epc": "800100000000000000000001", "tid": "0de6d45a1ad95e3017eff59b"}, { "epc": "800100000000000000000002", "tid": "b07b876a4b7154802143265"}],
        "tag_type_id": 99   } }

Tag Issuer ID Notes


  • The API will infer the user’s “current hospital” from the bearer token.
  • Each hospital has 0 or 1 tag issuer IDs.


  • If the hospital has no tag issuer ID, the API call will completely fail.
  • (NOT YET IMPLEMENTED) If the hospital has a tag issuer ID and the epc-generation-method is tagger, then verify that all EPCs in the epc-list match that hospital’s tag issuer ID.  If one or more don’t match, the API call will completely fail.

Lot Number and Expiration Date Validation

If a lot number is specified, the normal validation should occur.  That is, for all existing instances of items matching this formulary entry they and lot number, they should have the same manufacturer’s expiration (null or a date value) as the new items attempting to be created by this API call.


HTTP status codes

  • 201 Created
  • 404 Not Found — Typically 404 is returned when the formulary search returns zero (0) matches.
  • 422 Conflict — Represents a wide range of errors.  See JSON document in response body for more details on all errors.


Content-Type: application/json
Location: {data-service}/v2/tag_association_batches/0123456789 (NOT YET IMPLEMENTED)

The content-type of the response body is specified in the URL.  See description of Request Resource earlier in this document.


If the content-type is CSV, the following should be expected:

  • A header row will be included with each field name and each field should be encapsulated in quotes.
  • For fields that contain a quotation mark character ", they will be escaped by placing two quotation marks in a row "".
  • Each line will terminate with a carriage return and a newline character.

Body Fields

Field Data Type Description
ndc_upc_hri_full The NDC, HRI, UPC, or other primary identifier for the dictionary entry.
lot Lot number.
compound_date Compound date.
expiration_date_manufacturer Manufacturer’s expiration date.
expiration_date_refrigeration Beyond-use date related to removal from refrigeration.
expiration_date_multi_dose_beyond_use Beyond-use date related to the opening or puncturing of a multi-dose vial.
epc_raw The 24-hex EPC without any special formatting.  Useful for encoding the RFID inlay.
epc_formatted The 24-hex EPC with human-readable formatting.  This field must be used if you’re printing the EPC in a user-readable location such as on the tag.

The 24 hex characters are separated by hyphens into groups of 4, 4, 8, 4, and 4 character each, for easier readability.

Body Example (JSON)

        "ndc_upc_hri_full": "0000-0000-00",
        "lot": "20150812AA",
        "compound_date": "2000-01-01",
        "expiration_date_manufacturer": "2099-12-31",
        "expiration_date_refrigeration": null,
        "expiration_date_multi_dose_beyond_use": null,
        "epc_raw": "800100000000000000000000",
        "epc_formatted": "8001-0000-00000000-0000-0000"
    }, {
        "ndc_upc_hri_full": "0000-0000-00",
        "lot": "20150812AA",
        "compound_date": "2000-01-01",
        "expiration_date_manufacturer": "2099-12-31",
        "expiration_date_refrigeration": null,
        "expiration_date_multi_dose_beyond_use": null,
        "epc_raw": "800100000000000000000000",
        "epc_formatted": "8001-0000-00000000-0000-0000"
    }, {
        "ndc_upc_hri_full": "0000-0000-00",
        "lot": "20150812AA",
        "compound_date": "2000-01-01",
        "expiration_date_manufacturer": "2099-12-31",
        "expiration_date_refrigeration": null,
        "expiration_date_multi_dose_beyond_use": null,
        "epc_raw": "800100000000000000000000",
        "epc_formatted": "8001-0000-00000000-0000-0000"

Example Calls

Request to register 200 items, Kit Check to generate EPCs, response formatted as CSV

    "item_description": {
        "formulary_search": {
            "field": "ndc_upc_hri_full",
            "value": "0000-0000-00"
        "lot": "20150812AA",
        "compound_date": "2000-01-01",
        "expiration_date": {
            "manufacturer": "2099-12-31",
            "refrigeration": null,
            "multi_dose_beyond_use": null
    "batch_information": {
        "third_party_batch_id": "ABC123",
        "tag_restricted": false,
        "epc_generation_method": "kc",
        "tag_quantity": 200,
        "epc_list": null,
        "tag_type_id": 18

Request to register 3 items, Tagger supplying EPCs, response formatted as CSV

    "item_description": {
        "formulary_search": {
            "field": "ndc_upc_hri_full",
            "value": "0000-0000-00"
        "lot": "20150812AA",
        "compound_date": "2000-01-01",
        "expiration_date": {
            "manufacturer": "2099-12-31",
            "refrigeration": null,
            "multi_dose_beyond_use": null
    "batch_information": {
        "third_party_batch_id": "ABC123",
        "tag_restricted": false,
        "epc_generation_method": "tagger",
        "tag_quantity": null,
        "epc_list": ["800100000000000000000000", "800100000000000000000001", "800100000000000000000002"],
        "tag_type_id": 18