Case Study: KitCheck Enables Hackensack University Medical Center to Improve Inventory Management and Save $50,000 a Year
Hackensack University Medical Center implemented KitCheck™ in August 2017. From its adoption, KitCheck’s comprehensive suite…
KitCheck transforms the manual restocking process, which is repetitive and error-prone and can lead to auditor citations and patient safety issues, into a simple three-minute task. Additionally, KitCheck offers a variety of reports that provide you with actionable analytics to better manage your inventory.
KitCheck simplifies the restocking process. Through a simple workflow, crash carts and auxiliary trays are returned to the pharmacy either for restocking when they are used or when they are identified as having medications that will be expiring soon (enabled by KitCheck’s item-level visibility).
When not managed and tracked properly, expiring medications can cost hospitals thousands of dollars annually. In a time when shortages are an everyday occurrence, this contributes to the ever-growing problem of medication waste. KitCheck’s reports and RFID medication tracking can help you save close to $40,000 or more annually.
KitCheck integrates with your Real Time Location Tracking (RTLS) system to provide you with real-time location data. KitCheck is the only RFID medication management solution that provides you with this type of visibility. With the RTLS integration, you can pinpoint recalled and expired medications and leverage real-location data for all code trays.
KitCheck has provided us with a safer and more efficient process to fill and turn around our kits. The reporting and documentation features have helped us improve consistency and increase charge capture. We were truly amazed by the amount of time saved by both pharmacists and technicians.”
Director of Pharmacy at Texas Children’s Hospital
,We needed to free up pharmacist time spent double checking medications and expiration dates…We were excited to see the KitCheck video and that is pretty much how it works.”
Pharmacy Supervisor at St. Rita’s Medical Center
,I’m confident that this technology has helped us to reduce errors and improve patient safety. KitCheck is the extra
safety measure we needed. It’s a great feeling to be confident that the trays and kits are accurate.”
Manager of Support Staff at University of Vermont Medical Center
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